
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Christmas Message

Considering that the PC brigade has (very obviously) infiltrated Twitter it's time to move operations up a notch. They don't even realise that the 140 character limit was part of what gave Twitter a unique style of its own and made it stand out from other social media such as Facebook. Neither 140 or 280 characters will do for what I have to discuss here however, and I'll be putting this message out on multiple platforms. Because, even though it's nice to pursue music, it's nice to have a country as well, and we are currently at war without war being declared and the spider at the centre of the web is George Soros (see below). George Soros Destroying First World Countries, Terrorism, "Antifa", Harassment And So On   George Soros is an evil, insane Hungarian billionaire who wants to destroy all first world countries. The man who said in a 1976 article that he hated the United States and seeks to destroy that country and all its p
Testing out Blogger. 😑